How to Sleep with a Migraine

How to Sleep with a Migraine

If you’re suffering from migraine headaches, restless nights are likely to be typical in your daily life. It’s difficult to sleep with a headache, and your inability to sleep can make the following day more difficult.

Learn more about ways to break out of this cycle, sleep better and lessen your migraines.

What is a migraine?

migraine is a severe headache often associated with other symptoms such as nausea, hearing and light sensitivity. The effects of migraines can be tricky and a source of disability for sufferers. The Cleveland Clinic notes that migraine is the “sixth most crippling illness worldwide.”

Based on The Cleveland Clinic, migraine is an illness of the nervous system that affects approximately 12% of those. While everyone can suffer from migraine, Genetic factors and gender significantly impact the risk. According to a study published in Neurology, women are three to four times more likely than males to experience migraine, suffer more severe symptoms, and have a longer duration.

Common Migraine Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of migraines vary from one person to another. The most common symptoms of migraine headaches are:

  • The pain is severe and throbbing. usually confined on one head side
  • It is a sign of nausea and throwing up
  • Extremely sensitive to sound and light
  • Intensification of symptoms due to movements
  • It can be painful for hours and days

Migraines are typically divided into four phases: prodrome, aura migraine, and postdrome. Many sufferers with migraine headaches don’t experience each of these stages.

Prodrome may occur in the hours or days before the first signs of discomfort. It could be accompanied by food cravings, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, and many other signs. Some people experience an underlying symptom called an aura seen in the wake of prodrome and before migraine. Visual disturbances like flashes of bright light characterize an aura.

Postdrome is a time lasting between 2 to 3 days in which sufferers have difficulty concentrating as well as feeling tired. They may also experience emotional issues like depression or the feeling of euphoria.

Migraine, in comparison to Headache

A headache is any headache or neck, scalp, or A migraine is a distinct kind of Headache that has distinct symptoms. There are two kinds of headaches: primary ones are not caused by a medical issue, and secondary ones are. Migraines are one type of primary Headache.

Migraines tend to be more severe than headaches and last for a longer time. They usually occur on one part of your head rather than the other and cause other symptoms like nausea and extreme sensitization to sound and light. Additionally, migraines may be composed of stages like prodrome migraine, aura and postdrome. Other kinds of headaches do not include these phases.

What causes migraines?

Although the root cause of migraine attacks isn’t wholly identified, genetic factors and gender influence the likelihood of suffering. For those who suffer from migraine symptoms, triggers cause them to be more likely to happen. This could include:

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Certain medications, including birth control, blood pressure medication and medication
  • Foods, such as aged cheeses as well as processed or salty items
  • Too much or sleeping too little
  • Weather patterns change
  • Food additives, for example, MSG
  • Sensitive stimuli that are intense, like bright lights, loud sounds or strong scents

Migraine is a chronic illness. However, it affects various people less and more often. Certain people suffer from chronic migraines that occur at least 15 days every month for at least three months. Migraines can be very debilitating, and chronic migraines are more so and should consult a trustworthy health doctor.

How to manage a migraine?

Everyone who suffers from migraine headaches is aware that eliminating migraine headaches isn’t a simple task. However, that doesn’t mean there’s no way you can attempt to lessen or lessen the discomfort. Always consult your physician or a trusted medical professional before starting any new migraine treatment.

Treatment for migraines falls into two groups which are prevention and abortive. Because migraine is a persistent disease, those suffering from frequent migraines might use a prescription medication daily to avoid migraines. For others, taking medication when the symptoms or signs begin to “abort” the progress of migraine is the best option.

The medications that are used to treat migraine headaches are:

  • Pain relievers available over-the-counter, like Excedrin Migraine and Advil Migraine
  • Triptans (abortive prescription migraine medications)
  • Beta-blockers
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-seizure medications
  • Monoclonal antibodies derived from the Calcitonin gene

Of course, not everyone would like to rely on prescription medications. For many, it’s not enough. Numerous holistic migraine treatments are available, such as:

  • Massage therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Herbal supplements
  • Vitamins
  • Diet changes

It is essential to consult an experienced doctor or other health professionals before attempting any new migraine treatment, whether a holistic or medical method. Specific natural remedies can interfere with medication or cause additional risks or adverse negative effects.

How to sleep when you have a migraine

Migraines and sleep are inextricably connected. According to a review article published in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, The connection is bidirectional. That is, migraines may prevent you from sleeping while being unwell at night can cause migraines.

So, how do you manage to get your sleep better to prevent migraine attacks? What should help you if you have migraines?

The results are similar. Making a perfect sleeping environment and a consistent schedule can help keep migraines at bay and create a routine that will ensure you’re sleeping regardless of your heart racing.

Make sure you stick to a regular sleep Schedule.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), keeping a regular sleep schedule is among the most crucial ways to sleep better. However, anything that may seem like self-care, such as sleeping on the weekend, can do more harm than positive.

Develop a sleeping routine to allow you to fall asleep better at the same time each night and rise at the same time every morning.

You can sleep in a Dark Room.

Have you ever thought that the light of an alarm clock or the moon’s light streaming through the windows can disturb our circadian rhythm? To get the best sleeping experience, make your room as dark as possible. Curtains with blackout curtains will help block out light from the outside, and using a good sleep mask can protect your eyes from sneaky sources of light like electronics.

Eliminate all Noise

If you’re suffering from migraines, you’d likely like to be as far from the light and sound as possible. If you’re living in a crowded city with roommates or family members, it may be simpler to do than you said. Because sound can cause migraine symptoms to worsen, Do what you can to block out sound within your room. Using top-quality earplugs can help in keeping the noise to a minimum.

Switch off all Digital Devices

The blue light that emanates from our electronic devices is known for causing problems in the cycle of the night and affecting the quality of sleep. If you cannot leave your smartphone or laptop in time before bed, put on blue light-blocking glasses. It is recommended not to use any screens during the time before bed.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

There are better options for getting to bed on time. Most people know that caffeine consumption is a good choice for those who drink it late in the day. Did you not know that drinking alcohol can disrupt the quality of your sleep? Alcohol and caffeine in the eight hours before the time of bed keep your body from achieving deep sleep. The result is that your body isn’t receiving the beneficial benefits of rest, which are most likely to occur in this sleep phase.

It may not be possible to eliminate all of these problems 8 hours before bedtime; however, if you suffer from migraines or headaches that cause you to sleep, the cost could make it worthwhile.

Utilize Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic practice that uses essential oils to improve mental and physical well-being. Certain essential oils, like lavender, are believed to be calming.

Aromatherapy can create a peaceful, relaxing ambiance before going to bed by adding just some drops of essential oil to a hot bath or a hot shower. Another method to integrate aromatherapy into your bedtime routine is to use an essential oil diffuser or a humidifier that is compatible with essential oils. Be cautious with diffusers when you have pets, however, because certain essential oils can harm animals even in small amounts.

Try a new pillow

Everyone has experienced neck pain from sleeping incorrectly; however, signs of poor alignment could be less apparent. In reality, if your neck isn’t correctly aligned during sleep, this could contribute to pain in your head. Read our blog post, Can Pillows Cause headaches? to figure out the most suitable pillow to sleep on and to eliminate any discomfort caused by your pillow.

The best sleeping position for migraines

The best sleeping position for you when you’re suffering from migraines is the one you can lie in. If your body doesn’t give you the option, try sleeping on your side or back.

To prevent migraine attacks from getting worse, sleep on your back. This is the best choice since it evenly distributes your weight over your neck, head, shoulders, and neck muscles. Sleeping on your stomach can make your pain worse due to the neck position.

Whichever position you are in, ensure that you’re supported and in a straight position. If you’re on your back, try to stay clear of the fetal posture that pushes your shoulders forward. Be bold in placing pillows between your legs or under your arms to get your posture right. Ensuring you are aligned throughout sleep will prevent muscle strains that can cause a migraine.


Can sleep aid in migraines?

Achieving the proper amount of sleep-not too much or too little is essential to preventing migraines. It is also essential to ensure that you get regular amounts of sleep, as any changes to the sleep schedule can cause migraine attacks.

How long will migraines last?

Based on The Mayo Clinic, migraines can last anywhere up to 72 hours not treated. The use of migraine medications can decrease the duration and intensity of migraine attacks for specific individuals.

Does sleep deprivation result in migraines?

Sleep deprivation can cause migraines in those who are more susceptible to them. The amount of rest an individual requires varies according to age, hormone levels, and genetics, but the recommended amount is 7-9 hours. Starting point.

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